Mangoes – The Heavenly Fruit: Farm Fresh brought to you by Aaramos Exports

An Article – Blog on Mangoes:
Mango,One may call it –
Manja in Dutch
Mango in English and Spanish
Mangou, or Mangoro in Africa
Manga, Mangueira in Portuguese
Mangot, Mangue, Manguier in French
Aambe in Marathi
Keri or Aamba in Gujrati
Aam or Ambia in Hindi/Urdu
It is like saying mom in English, mère in French and Maa in Hindi. Most language has the same pronunciation and also the same meaning. Universal name-Universal meaning.
Mother is a symbol of love and Mango the symbol for majestic flavor.
A delight for the eyes and a treat for the taste buds, Mangoes are loved by children, young and old alike. May be, it does not require strong teeth to munch hence the popularity.
Mango is one of the most enjoyed tropical fruit known to man.
Mango commonly is yellow in color, the most attractive and noticeable color in the spectrum.You must have noticed that, all emergency vehicles and warning/caution sign are painted yellow for it can be seen very distinctly from a distant.
Thus the Meaning is simple and clear, Mother Nature in its own way wants you to signal you to notice it and eat mangoes for its health and nutritional benefits.
Mango is a fruit, available in over 1000 different varieties, consumed in every corner of the world. What makes mango so popular? Is it the look or the taste of the mango fruit or its nutrient value?
Let’s check out the nutrients in a mango.
An average mango weighs around 250 to 350 grams.
With 13 % of seed in weight and 25% in skin and peel, we have 62% left of flesh.
That would mean we have 150 grams of flesh in an average mango of weight 250 grams.
So an average mango weighing 250gms can approx. provide you with:
Calories – 93.15 – 95.55 kcal
Moisture -118.35 – 124.2 g
Protein – 0.54 – 0.6 g
Fat – 0.45 – 0.795 g
Carbohydrates – 24.3 – 25.77 g
Fiber -1.275 – 1.59 g
Ash- 0.51 – 0.78 g
Calcium -9.15 – 19.2 mg
Phosphorus -8.25 – 25.85 mg
Iron – 0.3 – 0.945 mg
Vitamin A(Beta Carotene)- 0.202 – 2.808 mg
Thiamine – 0.03 – 0.109 mg
Riboflavin(Vit.B2) – 0.035 – 0.102 mg
Niacin (Vit.B3) – 0.037 – 1.06 mg
Ascorbic Acid(Vit.C) -11.7 – 258 mg
Folate (Vit.B9)- 21 μg
Tryptophan – 4.5 – 9.0 mg
Methionine – 6.0 mg
Lysine – 48 – 55.5 mg
Pantothenic acid (B5)- 0.24 mg
Potassium- 234 mg
Zinc 0.06 mg(are approximate values only, consult your dietician for details)
Mango also contains 40 to 45 % of your daily fiber requirement. May also contains enzymes, vitamins and anti toxins. Mango helps fight ailments such as constipation, colon cancer, piles, cholesterol.
Great isn’t it, mango is a magnificent and wholesome fruit, perfectly earning itself the right to be on you table. It can help you supplement some of your recommended daily dietary intake.
This being a non-research site we shall not go into scientific, botanical, or any other details. We are sticking to a few basic details about mango and how you can enjoy this delicious fruit.
The shape, color, texture and taste of a mango fruit varies with geographical location. One thing that is common though, is the yellow color of its flesh, no matter which variety you are eating.
Mango can be consumed fresh, dried, pickled, sweetened, squeezed, juiced, pureed and pulped.
Mango is native to India and is mentioned in many of the ancient literature dating back to thousand of years. It is also mentioned in Ayurveda. The mango fruit and its tree, was and is still, used extensively for medicinal and health benefits.
From the Indian subcontinent, the Mango plant has subsequently spread throughout the world by travelers, traders, monks and researchers.
Still some of the best mangoes come from the Indian sub-continent and it’s a fact few can deny.
Even though other countries have, through research, developed mango varieties which have a very good shelf life, are disease resistant and can withstand the transportation better, nothing beats the Indian Alphonso Mango.
Food Lovers who taste it once, love them so much, that they become die hard fans of these mangoes, specially those coming from Ratnagiri and Devgad district of Maharashtra in the Indian sub-continent.
Competitors may point out many deficiencies in it, but can never come up with anything convincingly near, the irresistible heavenly taste and aroma of an Alphonso Mango – whose flavor lingers in your mouth for days, leaving your taste buds wanting more!
Some of the other mangoes from India are:
• Alampur Baneshan Mango
• Alphonso Mango
• Badami Mango
• Bangalora Mango
• Banganapally Mango
• Bombay Yellow Mango
• Chausa Mango
• Dusehri Mango
• Fazli Mango
• Gulab Khas Mango
• Langra Mango
• Malda Mango
• Mulgoa Mango
• Neelum Mango
• Pairi Mango
• Rajapuri Mango
• Rumani Mango
• Safdar Pasand Mango
• Safeda Lucknow Mango
• Samarbehist Mango
• Suvarnarekha Mango
• Vanrajn Mango
• Zardalu Mango
Other popular Mango varieties found in the world:
• Bourbon Mango
• Brooks Mango
• Cacipura Mango
• Cambodiana Mango
• Carabao Mango
• Carrie Mango
• Cecil Mango
• Davis-Haden Mango
• Dixon Mango
• Edward Mango
• Extrema Mango
• Fascell Mango
• Florigon Mango
• Goa-Alphonso Mango
• Golek Mango
• Haden Mango
• Irwin Mango
• Jacquelin Mango
• Jubilee Mango
• Julie Mango
• Keitt Mango
• Kensington Pride Mango
• Kent Mango
• Lippens Mango
• Mabroka Mango
• Manila Mango
• ‘Manzanillo-Nunez Mango
• Maya Mango
• Mulgoba Mango
• Nimrod Mango
• Non-Plus-Ultra Mango
• Pairi Mango
• Palmer Mango
• Pico Mango
• Purple Irwin Mango
• Red Irwin Mango
• Roodborstje Mango
• Saigon Mango
• Sam Ru Du Mango
• Sandersha Mango
• Sensation Mango
• Singapore Mango
• Smith Mango
• Spring-fels Mango
• Sunset Mango
• Tommy Atkins Mango
• Tong dum Mango
• Van Dyke Mango
• White Langra Mango
• Zill Mango
… be continued